
Getting all consecutive rows differing by certain value?(获取所有连续行的不同值?)
join two identical table structures with different data(连接两个具有不同数据的相同表结构)
TSQL: How can I update the value of an xml tag with the value of an xml tag from another related table?(TSQL:如何使用另一个相关表中的 xml 标记值更新 xml 标记的值?)
How to Delete Top(N) rows with an inner join?(如何使用内部联接删除前(N)行?)
How to query to get totals for last seven days?(如何查询以获取过去 7 天的总数?)
tsql identity insert without column name list(没有列名列表的tsql身份插入)
T-SQL Select from view much slower with variable(T-SQL 从视图中选择变量要慢得多)
Ungrouping effect?(解组效果?)
GROUP-BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference(GROUP-BY 表达式必须至少包含一列不是外部引用)
generate guid for every row in a column(为列中的每一行生成 guid)
T-SQL Dollar Sign In Expressions(T-SQL 美元登录表达式)
Where clause on a SQL Server XML column filtering on attribute AND value(SQL Server XML 列上的 Where 子句过滤属性 AND 值)